RIFT pipeline examples: the ini file

The ini file provides a way to provide fine-grained control of the many inputs a RIFT analysis can use. The ini file format corresponds to the lalinference ini format with a single named section of options, corresponding to arguments of the pipeline. As a concrete example, the following ini file block will select a specific approximant and fitting method:

cip-fit-method="rf"    # fitting method for CIP
cip-sampler-method="GMM"   # integration method for CIP
add-extrinsic=True   # run provides extrinsic samples at the end

Note that any command-line arguments take precedence over parameters specified in the ini file. If an ini file is specified, the pipeline will not make certain guesses (e.g., which interferometers to use in the analysis; the calibration versions or channel names to use).

Using an ini file for fake data

fake-cache =   ....  # insert example

Using an ini file for a production analysis

For a production analysis, you will be provided with a pre-existing ini file, with the correct channel names, cache files, event times, PSD files,